3 Reasons Sellers Need a Real Estate Agent

It can be tempting to sell a property on your own and skip the fees of a real estate agent. We understand the desire to keep more money after the sale, and we encourage it. But the path to value may not look like you’re expecting. We’re here to help you look beyond the fees and see the surprising ways that a listing agent can work to your advantage.


Negotiating directly with a buyer, especially when it’s your own property, is enough to intimidate the average seller. The experience that a listing agent brings to the negotiation table is invaluable. Their very purpose is to represent you to the best of their abilities, and their abilities are fine-tuned in the areas of negotiation. That’s an excellent skill set to have on your side, ensuring your property is sold at a favorable price based on fair market value, likely even more favorable than you could negotiate on your own. Your listing agent will save you the headaches of negotiating independently.


The vast majority of agents are registered with a Multiple Listing Service (MLS), which is a database that feeds information about property for sale to real estate listing websites. Making the decision to work with a listing agent means your property will be made available automatically to a large number of property listing websites. This is one of the easiest, most effective ways to get your property in front of buyers and their agents.


Working with a listing agent has a surprising benefit that is often overlooked – a network that you can fall back on if you ever need to. The surprising aspect of the agent’s network is its range of contacts and their purpose. An agent has a network of previous and current clients, which is helpful in finding a buyer. They also have professional contacts that can range from contractors and property maintenance to staging experts that can help sellers prepare for showings and open houses. You will save the time spent having to research contacts on your own, and will have the benefit of knowing the services are trustworthy and reliable.

We at Perfleek want all sellers and buyers to feel good about the agreements they come to. As a way to help you, the seller, make an informed decision, it is our hope to provide you with the knowledge that helps you overcome the perception that a better outcome is possible without a listing agent. The full picture of a successful property sale goes beyond the agent’s fees.

We’re Here When You Need Us.

 -Your Perfleek Team


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