Stop Losing Leads to the Highest Bidder with 1 Simple Step

You work hard to get your leads. It’s frustrating to see them go to competitors who have paid to appear on your online listings. We understand. That’s why we’re here to help you secure your hard-earned leads with one simple step.

To pinpoint the moment when your competition is most likely to move in on your leads, take a moment to visualize your listing, and the contact form used by your leads, on your current online publishing site(s). You’re most likely visualizing a realtors’ box that contains competing agents that your leads may choose to contact for more information on YOUR listing, cutting you out in the process.

The one simple step you can take to secure your leads is to choose a listing partner who skips the realtors’ box and sends your leads directly to you.

Choosing a partner that prioritizes you, and recognizes their part in doing all they can to support you, is an important first step. The specifics of partner value may look different for every realtor, but the common thread all listing agents share is the need to secure their leads on their own listings to work toward finalizing a deal. 

The frustration of competing agents paying to display their contact information on your listing, only to move in on your business, is a non-issue when you choose a listing partner who does not put you in the realtors’ box. Nor do you have to feel obligated to pay high advertising fees just to remain competitive.

Plus, the more you share your inventory of listings with your contacts through a partner site that supports your goals, the more successful you will be at meeting your goals.

If you’re looking for a listing partner without the realtors’ box, such as Perfleek, be sure to select us as a publishing partner within your listing database.

We’re Here When You Need Us.

-Your Perfleek Team.


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